Sunday, March 05, 2006

Their Love for Each Other was Gigantic

I came across this poem while I was reading the book, The German Greens: A Social and Political Profile by Werner HÜlsberg for my book report (having intellectual pretensions is such a hardwork). The poem is written by Udo Lindenberg. I don't know if it's already the whole poem or if it is just an excerpt but I found it striking. When I have time this summer I'll try to search the web for the poem.

They met on the street
just stood and looked at each other
'where can we go for a chat?', she said
and he said, 'don't know
but let's walk along together'
they had sought each other for so long
and now at last they'd met
and later in the bar
although there was only coffee
they were as if intoxicated
Yes, their love for each other was gigantic
and yet there was something wrong
'if only you were a little bit different,
and not exactly what you are!'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm....intriguing...=) -nanci